Monday, December 14, 2009

When we begin

So here we go again dialoguing with my old friend Kim Mosley across differences of gender, age, orientation, and now geography. Where once I could practically shout out to Kim because he was an artist and educator living in St. Louis, now I must imagine him hunched over his mac, drawing under the distant shadow of a cactus in Texas.

I thought of Kim when I wanted to start this latest collaborative project on the state of marriage. Kim is an ideal collaborator. First and foremost, because he honors and respects deadlines. If you ask Kim Mosley a question, you will get an answer. Even if it is not always the answer you expect or want.

I also think the process of making art is collaborative. Either with several parts of one's self that may be in conflict or just exploring. Or, if one has the good fortune to find a stimulating and responsible partner who can take your thinking to another level.

But, the biggest reason that Kim comes to mind when I think about marriage is that I have always found something to be iconic about his images. They look like primordial women and men to me, grounded in some essential identity. As marriage is both iconic and in a state of flux, I thought we could have great fun drawing, writing, and most likely arguing.

So why am I doing this project with Kim? It is part of a larger project on which I am working called "The State of Marriage". A performance piece I plan to put up in June as a co-production with the St. Louis Actor's Studio. This collaborative blog with Kim will help focus my monkey mind that always runs rampant when I start a new work.

I think marriage as we have historically known it is fracturing. An estimated 50% of marriages end in divorce. And yet people still get married.


And more and more LGBT people are clamoring to participate in this rite and change of status, despite the pessimistic statistics around its successful longevity.


I hope this blog will be a place where people can post their interests, concerns, experiences as well as articles, statistics, and even songs.

We need to make a performance, please help us find our way.


Kim Mosley said...

So I became a Facebook friend with someone (not Joan) who I haven't seen for 50 years. And she asked me to catch her up with what had become of me. I wanted a little more, so I asked her if she'd do a blog with me about our shared experiences and what had happened since. So far she did not responded. Maybe I should have Joan write me a letter of recommendation as a collaborator.

Joan Lipkin said...


Asking someone to do a blog with you, esp if you have not seen them in 50 years feels like a big move. Like asking someone to the prom. Probably too big a commitment.

Id be happy to write you a letter of recommendation as a collaborator. I just did. But what I value, other people may find off putting.

As in, oh no, he gets things done. He answers questions.

Some people are freaked by productivity and responsibility. Because they have to step up to the plate.

Did I just use a sports expression??

That's my oh no for the day.

Speaking of which, did you see my question of the day.

Pls respond w anecdote, thoughts and esp drawing

Anonymous said...

Be careful who you collaborate with. Think of the Cartier-Bresson photo of the French woman collaborator taken after WWII. H.