Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Is my heart

more important than my pinky?

Ok, Joan. You are probably wondering what this has to do with marriage. From my Buddhist experiences I'm trying to understand the relationship between things. My heart and my pinky are both connected to me, as is my family. I am married to Linda, but we are married, which is many ways means one, and we are a family, which also means one. We are not separate.

Sometimes people see me as generous. If so, it is because I see all as connected to each other in this way.

Marriage is not a this for me and that for you arrangement. It is a single thing with hearts and pinkies.


Anonymous said...

"Above my pay grade." H.

Paula Gable said...

I agree that the heart and the pinkie, are not two. However, if I had to choose between living without a heart and living without a pinkie, I can assure you the decision would be an easy one. If I had to live without my husband or my child? That would be a tough on. Can't imagine making a "Sophie's choice" of that nature.